You Move High-Quality Machines. Is Your Customer Service Like Clockwork?

So, you’ve got those top-notch machines, towering cranes, hardworking bulldozers or trucks hauling tons of materials. They really are like Swiss army knives ready to be used by the next 007. But is your customer service also ticking like clockwork?

Proactive maintenance, keeping the gears turning.

Ah, yes, being in the horizontal construction industry, I’m sure you’re just thrilled about the joy of managing every one of those machines and keeping them in tip-top shape.

Regular maintenance and servicing are the most fun aspects of the job, right? Down-time costs could easily lose you a customer faster than you can say “break-fix.” After all, your job is to be the invisible glue in construction companies’ project timelines.

Proactive maintenance is a tough job; it ensures safety, efficiency, and compliance with regulations. It’s not just about preventing breakdowns but optimising machines with the latest tech, like IoT sensors and upgrades.

But here’s the thing – with all these disconnected systems for service and maintenance tracking, it’s easy to end up in a reactive mess.  Coordinating field service teams and collecting data on service activities and machines can be a real headache without proper connectivity.
Proactive maintenance: oh, the joy of constant machine care!

We all know that excellent after-sales support can give us a leg up on the competition, but managing it with multiple systems? Talk about a challenge! And let’s be real: when maintenance jobs slip through the cracks and customer experiences turn sour, it’s bad news for business.

Digitising to transform customer service.

As their businesses grow, suppliers are always looking for ways to streamline operations, especially in customer service. Digitisation is the name of the game – cloud systems speed up response times, ensure nothing gets overlooked, and keep customer service running smoothly.

That’s where NetSuite ERP with service and maintenance tracking comes in handy. The platform smooths out those complex processes and ensures top-notch customer care. With features like automated preventive maintenance programs, they can build customer profiles and anticipate breakdowns and opportunities for machinery optimisation.

NetSuite’s Field Service Management module is a game-changer for these businesses; it transforms the way they engage customers, track service history, and coordinate field service teams. The mobile app gives their technicians all the tools they need to get the job done right the first time.
Digitisation speeds response, prevents oversights, and keeps service smooth.

NetSuite’s built-in forms and checklists are a foolproof safety net for technicians prone to distractions. Whether dealing with a complex service workflow or simple tasks, important details will never be overlooked again! NetSuite makes data collection so easy that businesses question why they ever did it any other way.


And as for happy customers? With proactive maintenance scheduling, speedy dispatch, and fast response times, you’ll have them singing your praises – well, not exactly, because let’s face it, who really praises good service? But complaints will be so rare that you may even miss hearing about your customers.

A precise partnership: the key to a well-tuned machine.

So, with NetSuite, your technicians can finally focus on what really counts – giving top-notch service and building solid bonds with your customers. No more time wasted on non-billable stuff; it’s all about keeping customers happy and coming back.

Have we sold you on NetSuite yet? Some construction suppliers have struggled with it, but finding a partner like Klugo changes the game. We talk your language, ditch the corporate mumbo jumbo, and get hands-on to sort out any hiccups.

We know NetSuite inside out, but we also understand the machinery game like a seasoned operator knows the controls of their rig, that’s why we can tailor a system that fits your business just right.

Klugo helps construction suppliers make the most of NetSuite and stay ahead in the industry. We’ve seen it firsthand – businesses transformed, hurdles overcome, and success stories are written.

We’re all about making you work smarter, not harder.

We’re here to make your work easier.

Call us to explore how we can simplify NetSuite, deployment, expansion or support. Go Beyond. Go Klugo.

Industry experts, certified developers, agile process. We value mateship, teamwork, and creating lasting partnerships.

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